“Like Hamilton and MacCormick, most of the people whose names are on the Scottish Covenant are no longer with us. But it would be a fitting tribute to their efforts to find a place for it in the Scottish Parliament, which was finally reconvened 50 long years it was launched.”
Scottish independence
Humza Yousaf’s cakeism on indy
The SNP leadership’s power-hoarding, lack of accountability and secrecy does not augur well for the kind of independent state they wanted to achieve. The SNP has become a very British party.
It’s time to talk to the neighbours
“There is now a pressing need to investigate some common ground, if not a broad strategic compromise, in a new isles-wide partnership of states for the 21st Century.” Glyndwr Cennydd Jones puts the case for constitutional collaboration
Can Johnson stop #indyref2?
‘Rather, the government has a responsibility to step back and let the voice of the population be heard on this matter, and should be genuinely willing to listen to public opinion.’
Changing attitudes to #indyref2
‘There comes a time, as with (Taioseach John) Costello, that leaving the UK is easier and less risky than staying with all its current and prospective dangers. How ironic will it be if, as with our Celtic cousins, a Scottish Republic is delivered by former No voters rather than ardent nationalists?’
But what form of independence?
As Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP see increasingly solid pro-independence majorities in successive polls, their case for an independent Scotland has gone missing: a book review.