“There are some areas where communities have been helped to buy the land they live on. But Scotland still has the most inequitable land ownership in the developed world. This month, the Scottish Government issued a consultation paper suggesting that a public interest principle should be applied when large estates change hands…”
land reform
Oor land
“And herein lies the rub with Scotland’s supposedly “radical” land reform journey. The measures so far have not transformed the big picture: some have merely dragged Scotland’s anachronistic land laws into the 20th century as the rest of the world has entered the 21st. Most changes have worked within the old paradigm, treading carefully—maybe even neurotically—around established property rights.”
Land reform and climate change: a Scottish perspective
‘We need to be clear about what we want from the land, how we find and reward synergies, and how to ensure greater public input to land management and land use decision-making.” Experts from James Hutton Institute on risks (and rewards) from land use in the climate crisis.
Scenes from Highland life – and thoughts on land reform
Rather than trying to unmake history, Scotland should build on it. Rich landowners, whether native-born or from elsewhere, who cherish Scotland’s wild places, can use their resources to help to care for for it and to protect it from the challenges of the future.
A laird at thirty quid? Hang on Manfred
The Land Reform Bill is making its (contentious) way through Holyrood. One thing it ignores is a nice little trade in offering souvenir plots of Scotland but this comes with no ownership rights. Time for a change?