Brace yourselves for good news. A ‘can-do’ story of enterprise, ingenuity, and kindness. Though, there is a familiar theme – how Covid has exposed the faultlines of our society. Who knew so many university students would be going hungry?
food security
Bringing the future into the present: the Covid food crisis
During pandemic times all four pillars of food security are challenged as domino effects and blockages, compounded by Brexit and the climate emergency, disrupt processes at different points of the supply chain.
Rapid response: social enterprise shows the way
Government could learn from local community enterprises responding with astonishing speed and efficiency to get help and food where it is needed most – including NHS staff on the frontline
We must ensure a fair, safe and sustainable food supply
Coronavirus is revealing essential weaknesses in the UK’s food supply chain. Tim Lang urges action to ensure there is enough food to go round, during the crisis. And after.
Scotland’s first vertical farm grows hope for the future
Where will the money come from? Who invests in Scotland’s chance to be a world-leader in ‘vertical farming’. Key questions add to the urgency and excitement in the huge potential growing inside a small shed on the edge of Dundee.
Vertical farming: sustainable future made in Scotland?
“Currently, we expend about 10 calories of fossil fuel to generate one calorie of food. This is unsustainable not just in a small way but to quite an alarming extent.” Scientist Ian Boyd sees hope in vertical farming but can Scotland retain its lead in this pioneering technology by scaling it up to “an industrial reality”?
Eggs Benelux
Poisoned eggs? Dominic Duckett considers the culture of risk and blame surrounding the latest food scare and suggests our systematic finger-pointing at foreigners may well tell us something about who we think we are.